The introduction states when people can cope with global challenges and how they must change their attitude and behavior. This article analyzes the history of globalization, namely what signs of globalization can we see in the writings of philosophers. The second chapter deals with the concept of trust, which in fact has become one of the central challenges of our time and definitely not by coincidence. Causes of interest in this topic are likely to be included in the following phenomena that characterize much of our times, even more than the previous epoch. In the next chapter we can see that if postmodern thinking in many ways do not reflect the real state of affairs and the actual state of mind of late-modern, globalized man. Part of the article deals with ambivalence, which means the ability of the human intellect (available emotional or attitudinal orientation) attribute to the same phenomenon (the fact, the process) both positive and negative, positive or negative review. In conclusion, the article evaluates and generalizes the consequences of globalization.Stahování
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