
  • Barbora Líšková


Violence against women is now one of the most common human rights violations. Although in the past, this issue was hidden, currently it is recognized as widely acclaimed action and action against humanity.

The purpose of the study is to focus on violence against women and to offer intervention and prevention strategies.

In this article, we focus on the various options for addressing this serious problem. We describe the strategy used in the United States and other countries. We also describe the role of women's movements in highlighting the seriousness of domestic violence and to define the importance of gender equality. It is a theoretical study focusing on causes, forms and prevention strategies of violence against women.

The aim of our study is to bring an effective prevention strategy, which can be used internationally.

Offered prevention strategy has a big potential in elimination this problem.

Study finds that there is a big need in intervention and prevention of violence against women by using existed strategies. 


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