Sociálna otázka – filozofické, politické a právne reflexie
The paper on "Social Issue - philosophical, political and legal reflection“ we present the theoretical basis of social policy and its impact in solving social issues. We are focusing on the issue of interdependence of the social policy and law and on the application dimension of law.
We identify the highlighted issue from the position of the historical and logical methods, in which we analyze the causes of birth (of the social issues) in the past, and their „positive heritage“ inspiring current social scientific activities dealing with the social issues. Application of historical and logical method creates a space for comparative approach in which is logically justifies the priority or weaknesses in solving the social issues in the past and today.
The aim of the highlighted issues is to point out the productive approach to its reflection, which consists in an organic bridging of the philosophical, political and legal knowledge gained by the analyzing of a limited range of social issues determined by us. Important is the recognition of the need for a functional bridge for the theoretical reflections (Philosophy and Policy) with legal practical and application approaches.
Point to the fact that the law may not always be consistent with the fundamental principles of social policy: social justice, solidarity, as well as the Charter of Fundamental Human Rights and Freedoms.
Highlighted (interdisciplinary) approach to the defining issue appears to us productive, in particular with regard to the complexity of the phenomenon of „Social Issue“. So-called partial approach from the point of view of philosophy, political and law, solves our issue only partially. Mentioned partiality is losing the isolation, as we have joined the partial knowledge into the organic unit qith the method of syntesis (and therefore „social issues“ are reflected in a unity of the philosophy, politics and law).
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