Dlouhodobá nezaměstnanost: Analýza metod a technik pro práci s dlouhodobě nezaměstnanými


  • Petra Šobáňová Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě


The article presented analysis, which was prepared by the project Thematic Network - Career guidance for long-term unemployed, the output of which is a tool-box methods and techniques for working with long-term unemployed.

The analysis is the result of both quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative method of the survey data was gathered from professional consultants of partner organizations. Acquired data was reused in a qualitative interview methods based on phenomenological investigation. It was therefore an even more detailed analysis of selected methods, where all representatives of partner organizations together in a moderated group discussion, based on experience with the use of selected methods, choose those most appropriate. The last part of the analysis was focused on the long-term unemployed. Through qualitative methods moderated group discussions, within session at the "round table", the various methods and techniques discussed with the pre-selected group of unemployed in the long term, who already had with various methods / techniques of previous experience.

In an analysis of 65 elements was evaluated know-how based on pre-defined criteria: contribution to the long-term unemployed, efficiency, success and portability in a foreign environment.

The result of the analysis was processing tool-box of 35 methods and techniques for working with long-term unemployed users.

The common goal of the project is to find and analyze the best tools from various countries in the field career counseling for the long-term unemployed. Furthermore, these tools (methods and techniques) to share and disseminate to enhance the quality career counseling for long-term unemployed in the Czech Republic but also in other countries of the European Union.

Biografie autora

Petra Šobáňová, Ostravská univerzita v Ostravě

Filozofická fakulta, Katedra sociologie


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