Sociálna opora ako významný sociálny determinant zdravia u slovenských imigrantov v Českej republike


  • Jana Gabrielová Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích Zdravotně sociální fakulta


The article deals with one of the important determinants of health - social support - and its relation to the subjective health perception and basic socio-demographic characteristics. The importance of social support is increasing especially among those groups of people who need to adapt to new living conditions. Immigrants clearly belong to these groups. Attention will be paid to Slovak immigrants living in the Czech Republic. Slovak minority is the second largest group of foreigners living in the Czech Republic. At the same time, this immigrant group has special status because of common history of Slovaks and Czechs.

Data collection was conducted by using quantitative research methods, questionnaire in mother tongue of respondents. The sample consisted
of 191 respondents living in seven selected regions of the Czech Republic. The obtained data were statistically analysed in SPSS.

There was correlation between the number of people (Slovaks and Czechs living in the Czech Republic) to whom the respondents contacted, if needed financial and other than financial assistance and duration of stay. Duration of stay also correlates with feeling among the Czechs, plenty of friends.
A statistically significant relationship was demonstrated between the subjective perceptions of health status and the importance of contacts and friend sufficient. The variables gender, age and education were found statistical significance with the importance of contacts.

Based on our findings, we can conclude that the variable duration of stay is a significant factor affecting the social support of Slovak immigrants
in the Czech Republic.


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