Uplatňovanie nemeckej minimálnej mzdy v dopravných podnikoch


  • Jana Španková Trenčianska univerzita A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov
  • Adriana Grenčíková Trenčianska univerzita A. Dubčeka v Trenčíne Fakulta sociálno-ekonomických vzťahov


On 1 January 2015, Germany joined twenty one Member States of the European Union, which have statutory national minimum wage. The minimum wage is 8.50 EUR per hour. The Minimum Wage Act applies to all employees and across all industry sectors. The minimum wage requirement also applies to Germany-based employees of companies whose domicile is outside of the country. The Minimum Wage Act applies to employees working
in Germany, even if the employment relationship is not subject to German law. Thus, the legislation is relevant to Slovak companies that send their employees to Germany. By implementing the German minimum wage regulations, new expenses arise for employers, such as administrative, reporting, archival, as well as those related to the translation of documents into German. Moreover, co-responsibility for the payment of the minimum wage
of freight forwarders and hauliers is worth noting.

The paper addresses the issue of practical implementation of the new German minimum wage regulations in transport undertakings. Methods
of observation and description of problems related to the remuneration of employees as well as the implementation of the German minimum wage regulations are employed. Additional general methods used to achieve the purpose of the paper are analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. Interview and questionnaire were used in the research. Both online and printed versions of the questionnaire were available. 76 respondents participated in the study, out of which 70 were employees and 6 employers. An example situation is used to demonstrate increasing costs in relation
to the introduction of minimum wage in the form of higher labour costs.

The main contribution of the paper is to explain the current wage policies in the Slovak transport undertakings in relation to the German Minimum Wage Amendment Act affective as of 1 January 2015. In addition, the authors attempt to identify problems as seen by employers as well as their solutions being in use.


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