Používání opatření omezujících pohyb osob v sociálních službách
The usage of precautions limiting the movement of people in social services carrieswith it a risk of abuse and variously intensive interferences in basic human rights and
freedoms. Therefore this situation must be regulated by strict rules. In consideration of the
growing demands on the dignity of the users of the provided services and to the subsequent
harmonization of approaches with European countries there was an accession in May 2005 to
the first legal adjustments of the limits of the restraint of movements of social service users in
the Czech Republic. The next amendment was done via the legal document n.108/2006 Sb., on
social services, in the wording of later directives. Despite these positive trends it is necassary
to state that due to the non-existance of detailed legal regulations the providers are in many
cases in a very difficult situation. That is why it is very important how the providers of the
services deal with their duty – in adjusting via internal directives the conditions of the usage
of precutions limiting the movement of people in particular facilities, where their usage
comes into consideration.
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