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About the Journal

Pardubice Insights into English Linguistics is an electronic open access peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research papers from the field of English linguistics and is open to contributions by scholars from the Czech Republic and abroad.

Aims and scope

Pardubice Insights into English Linguistics is a scholarly peer-reviewed linguistics journal published in English. The journal is issued once a year by the Department of English and American Studies, the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, the University of Pardubice.

The journal aims to publish original research papers from the field of English linguistics and is open to contributions by scholars from the Czech Republic and abroad. The editors encourage submissions exploring diverse topics and current issues in linguistic studies.

The scope of the journal includes, but is not limited to, topics from: morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, stylistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, applied linguistics, or corpus linguistics. 

Publication fees

Publishing in the journal is free of charge. The journal does not require any article processing charges (APCs) nor any article submission charges (ASCs).

Open access policy

Pardubice Insights into English Linguistics is a fully open access journal that allows immediate free unlimited access to all its content. Any user can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose. 

Peer review process

All submissions are subject to a peer-review process. Prior to the review, manuscripts are screened by the editors to assess general acceptability for the journal (journal’s topical orientation, subject matter, style, redundant or multiple publication within the journal, length, etc.). The submissions that are found inadequate can be returned to the authors for corrections or rejected completely.

The journal follows double blind peer review policy. The author may recommend 1 reviewer with regard to the topic of their paper whose name will be considered by the editors. Reviewers are experts in the subject area of submissions and they are selected by the editorial board to prevent any conflict of interest. The papers reviewed are treated with confidentiality, and reviewers’ comments and observations are supposed to provide constructive feedback to the author. The length of the peer-review process is 3–5 months.

The decision to accept or reject the paper rests with the editors in chief and is irrevocable. Paper acceptance is defined by the following criteria: (1) accepted; (2) accepted with minor corrections; (3) returned for major corrections and resubmission; (4) rejected. The author is informed about the Editors’ decision via the OJS system.


It is the authors that are responsible for the content of their papers; submissions shall be original and shall not contain any plagiarised material. Submitted papers are routinely screened for plagiarism by the editors.

Licensing and copyright

The journal uses Creative Commons licensing. Submissions are published under the terms of CC BY-NC (

Authors retain copyright for their content published in the journal. 


For the digital archiving purposes the journal Pardubice Insights into English Linguistics uses the LOCKSS and CLOCKSS services.

Publishing ethics and related editorial policies

PIEL subscribes to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing and ethical principles of publication as declared by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), see COPE's Core Practice guidance.

The editors promote the policies for accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusivity. Editorial decisions are not affected by the origins of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors.