
  • Dragan Lazarević
  • Momčilo Dobrodolac



postal system, transport, last-mile delivery, sustainable development


Postal systems are characterized by strong infrastructure and appropriate human, technical, and technological resources. The activities of these systems are economically demanding and impact the environment, which represents some of the most delicate problems of sustainable development. This paper presents the basic principles and proposals for the improvement of sustainable development capabilities in the postal systems. A review of modern means of transport is offered. Some of these means are still in the trial phase; however, their implementation is expected in the near future based on both, economic and environmental reasons. 


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How to Cite

Lazarević, D., & Dobrodolac, M. (2020). SUSTAINABILITY TRENDS IN THE POSTAL SYSTEMS OF LAST-MILE DELIVERY . Perner’s Contacts, 15(1).




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