
  • Jan Tesla
  • Jiří Horák
  • Igor Ivan


frequencies of connections, public transport, transport accessibility


Transport accessibility assessment is an important part of transport analyses. Various metrics have been used for both individual and mass transport systems. Nevertheless metrics for individual transport often differ from metrics for mass transport due to lack of data sources. The paper addresses analysis of public transport accessibility using frequencies of public transport connections in selected time intervals during one day. Both, bus and train connections between all municipalities in the Czech Republic are analysed using developed software TRAM. The frequency analysis shows significant differences of the level of accessibility during a day and among regions. The relationships between distances and number of connections are also analysed and these relationships are also variable in time and among regions.


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How to Cite

Tesla, J. ., Horák, J. ., & Ivan, I. (2015). FREQUENCIES OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT CONNECTIONS BETWEEN MUNICIPALITIES IN REGIONS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC. Perner’s Contacts, 10(3), 176–184. Retrieved from


