Author Guidelines
The December issue of Perner's Contacts will contain attachments submitted via an electronic form by October 31 and receiving two positive reviews.
The June issue of Perner's Contacts will contain attachments submitted via an electronic form by April 30 and receiving two positive reviews.
1. General Instructions for Authors
Journal Perner's Contacts is published in Czech, Slovak, and English language. Manuscripts should be sent to the editors via the electronic form. By submitting the article, the author agrees with its publication under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. There is no fee for the article publication.
Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts based on factual errors and whether manuscripts do not meet these guidelines and fit the journal profile.
All incoming submissions are checked by the program for plagiarism named Turnitin. All submitted papers are subject to an independent review procedure by two reviewers.
2. Manuscript Structure
Review Paper has these sections: title, names of authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, the text divided into chapters, conclusion (optionally the acknowledgement) and list of references.
Original Paper has the following structure: title, names of he authors, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods or experimental part, results and discussion, conclusion (optionally the acknowledgement), list of references.
3. General Rules for Manuscript Preparation
Title of the paper should contain information on the objectives and results of the work. The title cannot contain abbreviations. Reasonable title length is 10 words.
Names of authors must be given in full. Authors with different affiliations should be linked with their workplaces using alphabetic superscripts immediately after the author’s name (e.g. Jan Novak1).
Abstract should briefly define the focus of the paper, the work objectives, methods used (in the case of an original paper) and the results. The abstract length should be maximum 250 words.
List of Keywords describing the subject under investigation should contain no more than 10 words.
Introduction should briefly state the objectives of the work, characterize the current state of knowledge of the problem, and describe the chosen approach to the solution (in the case of an original paper). The introduction should contain citations of papers, books, and other literature resources on the topic with emphasis on fundamental or most recent works. Excessive quotes and attempts to include an exhaustive list of references are undesirable.
Experimental section or Materials and methods describes materials, methods, procedures or equipment so that the reader can set out to reproduce the experiments or measurements. Operations, procedures, equipment and substances already known are reported only via the references. Extensive experimental sections should be divided into chapters.
Results and discussion section usually includes obtained results (primary data or data derived by calculation), comparison of the results with the literature data, and discussion of potential differences or contradictions, etc.
Conclusions that can be drawn from the data shortly sumarize achieved results.
4. Technical Guidance for Manuscript Preparation
The manuscript should be written in MS Word, Cambria font.
All information about the format of the paper can be found in the attached template (docx version).