Peer review

Perner’s Contacts is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the Faculty of Transport Engineering of the University of Pardubice. The journal is published electronically  twice per year (in June and December) and published scientific papers and review articles in Czech, Slovak and English language.

Papers that do not meet the requirements of the original scientific research or review article, or do not meet journal's thematic focus, will not be accepted. Papers that are not prepared according to the instructions for authors shall also be rejected.

All incoming submissions are checked by the Turnitin antiplagiarism program. All submitted papers are subject to a unilaterally anonymous review procedure by two independent reviewers. The form for the reviewer is available here.

Reviewers evaluate the paper from content and formal point of view, a summary of comments for the author(s) is included in the review report. The reviewer recommendation to the editor is one of the following options:

  • accept the paper for publication,
  • accept the paper with minor revisions,
  • accept the paper with major revisions,
  • reject the paper.

The electronic journal publishes papers that obtain two positive reviews. Following the decision to accept the article, the author is required to make adjustmrnts indicated by the reviewer. Minor and insignificant corrections of an editorial nature can be made by the editorial board without the author’s involvement. All reviewers have the right to re-verify the article before its published. Paper accepted  for publication are not subject to linguistic proofreading.

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