Aims and Scope

Perner's Contacts is an electronic peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Faculty of Transport Engineering, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. The journal has been published since 2006 and the original scientific and review papers in Czech, Slovak and English language are published here. The journal is currently published twice a year - in June and December. The journal is intended for the publication of broad-spectrum of original research and review papers on actual problems in transportation and related science disciplines.

The main topics are new directions and knowledge in the following areas:

  • Economics and management in transport
  • Logistics
  • Technology for passenger and cargo transportation
  • Computer engineering in transport
  • Traffic safety
  • Transport and environment
  • Electrical engineering and electronics in transport
  • Electro mobility
  • Transport means - construction, operation, diagnostics and maintenance
  • Fuels, lubricants and technical fluids
  • Sciences of mechanical engineering and materials
  • Transport infrastructure
  • Civil engineering in transport
  • Applied Informatics in transport
  • Educational engineering

Perner's Contacts Journal has an open access policy, and therefore its content is freely available. There are no publication, processing or other fees charged. The journal operates in a standard dual peer-review procedure, the successful completion of which is a prerequisite for paper publication.

For the digital archiving purposes the Perner's Contacts Journal uses the LOCKSS andCLOCKSS services.