This is an outdated version published on 2014-04-16. Read the most recent version.



  • Helena Bínová


public logistics centre, Elbe water way, risk analysis


There is currently available no public logistics center in the Czech Republic. The
roads infrastructure in the Czech Republic are overloaded by freight transportation
and at the same time railways are underused for freight transportation, water flows
for freight transport are used negligible due to still delayed realization of yearround
navigability the Elbe River. It is necessary to analyze the possibility
of realization and to find the optimal variant. Future end port on the Elbe River in
the city of Pardubice (Czech Republic) is a long-term prepared project. It is closely
related to the project of ensuring year-round navigability of the Elbe River and
of ensuring waterways to the seaport of Hamburg and other northern seaports. The
European Commission introduced on October 19, 2011 a plan to improve Europe's
transport, energy and digital networks (new Trans-European Transport Network
(TEN-T). This plan included Elbe waterway with the end port in Pardubice between
projects of the main network.


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Východní Čechy v Pardubicích, Investiční záměr, 2008
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a dopravní koridory mezi Českou republikou a Evropou. Etapa I Analýza zbožových
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(6) CityPlan s.r.o. a A.R.D.CENTRAL s.r.o , projekt MPO ev.č. 2A-1TP1/047 (výzkumný
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(7) NOVÁKOVÁ, H., Metodologie návrhu technologických a logistických center, disertační
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How to Cite

Bínová, H. (2014). MULTIMODAL LOGISTICS CENTRE IN PARDUBICE. Perner’s Contacts, 9(1), 14–26. Retrieved from


