



vehicle routing problem, heterogeneous vehicle fleet, classification of vehicles into types and categories, admissibility of the vehicle for ordering


The paper deals with the issue of vehicle routing problem with a heterogeneous vehicle fleet. Vehicle routing problem presents a complex optimization problem, usually with many constraints. For a task with a fleet including different types of vehicles characterized by partial parameters the article presents three basic variants of problem solving. The first option is to sort the vehicles according to one of their parameters, the second option is to divide the vehicles into groups so that all the parameters of vehicles in the group are identical. The third variant, which is also the most advantageous from the point of view of optimization, is the combination of sorting vehicles into groups while taking into account the admissibility of the vehicle for ordering.


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How to Cite

Brázdová, M. (2021). POSSIBILITIES OF SOLVING VEHICLE ROUTING PROBLEM WITH HETEROGENEOUS VEHICLE FLEET. Perner’s Contacts, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.46585/pc.2021.2.1690
Received 2021-07-27
Accepted 2021-10-29
Published 2021-12-30