



transfer points, railway transport, air transport, railway network


Rail transport in the vicinity of Bratislava Airport works only for the purpose of freight transport. It is primarily in the form of fuel imports, to which the given infrastructure is also adapted. At present, the potential of Bratislava Airport M. R. Štefánik is not spent. However, the possibilities of access to this airport are considerably limited by the degree of development of individual types of infrastructure. The railway infrastructure that currently serves the needs of M. R. Štefánik Airport exists in the form of a railway siding. It opens into the railway network by turning the Airport onto a non-electrified single-track line, which leads to the railway station Podunajské Biskupice. At present, not much is expected to be used for passenger transport purposes. This is mainly the distance from the airport terminal, while the advantage is not even the mouth of the railway network. The article deals with the possibilities of connecting Bratislava Airport to the ŽSR network. The basis for the proposal to connect Bratislava Airport with suitable infrastructure to the ŽSR network within the framework of railway passenger transport is the determination of a suitable transfer point. One of the logical priorities is to place the transfer point as close as possible to the air transport terminal of Bratislava Airport within the space possibilities and technical conditions.


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How to Cite

Bulková, Z., Zitrický, V. ., & Gašparík, J. (2021). OPTIONS OF BUILDING CONNECTION OF BRATISLAVA AIRPORT TO ŽSR NETWORK. Perner’s Contacts, 16(2). https://doi.org/10.46585/pc.2021.2.1711
Received 2021-10-20
Accepted 2021-10-29
Published 2021-12-30